Firechat is a revolutionary new free, open-source mobile phone application for today's smart phones and tablets. It is similar to Google Talk, but instead of making voice calls, the user can perform instant text and multimedia messages (SMS) from their mobile device or any web-enabled PC. Firechat works by seamlessly connecting to a free Firechat bridge, which connects to a real person in the vicinity to make the calls. The result is that any person in the vicinity can receive your calls and texts on his or her Firechat enabled phone.
Firechat is an innovative new Android sms application. This SMS application utilizes peer-to-peer and Bluetooth technology to connect to other Firechat users in real time. It then uses these connections to transfer data between two devices over the airwaves. It operates by bouncing radio signals from one Firechat enabled device to another until it reaches the recipient.
In order to take advantage of this new free app, you must have an internet connection. To do so, you can just go to the Firechat settings and tap the icon for "internet connection" or "Bluetooth pairing." You will be asked to enter the details of your computer or smart phone into the fields provided and you should not need to enter any passwords as you are free to use the application with whoever you choose. Firechat is designed to be simple and easy to use and you will soon forget that you are on the go without the need of a computer or smartphone.